A large part of the Brazilian community of Las Vegas said a resounding ‘YES’ in getting together for a warm celebration of Christmas. The party happened in a private room at Tuscany Hotel & Casino that provided food, drinks and excellent customer service with the staff at Pub 365.
When someone leaves their country to immigrate to another place, most leave family behind. Not an easy undertaking to start a new life in a new place, at a new land. That place is Las Vegas, where all these gathered friends have now became a family.
The happiness was in the air with music, raffles and exchange of gifts between the attendees, finalizing with a delicious Christmas cake.
Organized by Brazilian Community Bees Club and Eliana Camargo
By Eliana Camargo, Two Flags Post, Founder, International Correspondent, Journalist Mtb 0083568/SP/BR, graduated from Universidade Mackenzie in São Paulo.