Hot News! For the Bees Club and all other Brazilian groups of Las Vegas! Our dear Sandra Czeisler has become our Artisan Queen, that is, the new Queen of Fine Crafts. Sandra who is uniquely gifted, learned from her mother the art of sewing and the talent for creation. This unique gift of creating beautiful and unique things has made her well known in the community. Sandra’s talent of always producing beautiful gifts and fine pieces, is not only in sewing, but also in the exclusive and refined world of artisan jewelry and fine art. Always a stand out with her creativity, she has a degree in Brazil as a designer, a stylist of swimwear and lingerie, and in landscaping and garden planning. She has also attended an Arts and Elementary Designer class at the College of Southern Nevada.
Now, she has decided to put her talent and creativity into practice and has started her own business. The “Queen Artisan Craft of Las Vegas” will be present at local exhibitions such as the Fresh 52 Farmers & Artisan Market, starting on February 19th.
The “Queen Artisan” will debut at the market this Friday, see the details below and we hope to see you there, to give our very own talented Sandra her well-deserved congratulations and wishes for her continued success
Tivolli Village
400 S. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas 89145
Fridays from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Sansone Park Place
9480 S. Eastern Ave. Henderson 89123
Sundays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
The Farmer and Artisan Market is the venue for many of the artisans of various nationalities whop showcase and sell their different types of handcrafts and art. An outing for the whole family, which is fun and educational.
See the pictures of some of the pieces produced by Sandra and which can be admired and purchased at the Market fair.
Congratulations Sandra for yet another step won in this wonderful journey called life! Count on the community’s support! See you Friday at the Farmers and Artisans Market.
Eliana Post, Two Flags Post, Founder, International Correspondent, Journalist Mtb 0083568/SP/BR, graduated from Universidade Mackenzie SP/BR